Sunday, October 28, 2012

#21: November

I cannot believe that at the end of this week it will be November.  My how time flies!!  It's been a really quick first nine weeks of school and I definitely realized this past week how important Fall Break was for teachers and students.  I really do hope that we get a Fall Break next year.  There is definitely a difference in the teachers and the students this year.  Teachers and students need that break to rest, relax and get refreshed for the second nine weeks.  The past couple of weeks have been very stressful and everyone seems on edge.  In the past when we had a fall break, everyone was able to regroup during the break and come back to school refreshed and ready to finish the semester.
Although we never traveled anywhere fall break because my sons plays football and my husband coaches football, it was nice to have a small break from school.  I sure hope next year the fall break gets added back to the school calendar.

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