Sunday, October 28, 2012

#19: Does technology help or harm literacy?

I believe that technology helps and also harms literacy.  Our children are digital natives, they were born with technology in their hands, and they are very skillful when it comes to using technology.  Technology requires students to read, and also solve problems on how to use the technology.  The more a child reads, the better student that child will be in the future.  However, I also believe that there are technologies that harms literacy.  For example, when students use a cell phone to send text messages, or post tweets on twitter they use short-hand, sentence fragments and do not pay attention to grammar mistakes.  Sometimes, even I have a hard time trying to figure out what my own children are trying to stay when they text me or post a message on twitter. 
I do believe that technology helps, more than harms, literacy.  However, as educators we must teach our students the correct and responsible way to use technology so that it will help their literacy.

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