Saturday, September 29, 2012

#12: How would you approach resistance by teachers to use of technology in the classroom?

There is always going to be resistance from teachers in a school.  And that is especially true in the use and implementation of technology.  Many times I have heard teachers, even myself, complain and resist new strategies and technological programs.  To address the resistance, as an administrator I would engage teachers in an one-on-one conversation about the benefits of technology, all the while offering any assistance even professional development to help teachers feel more comfortable about using technology.  Technology can be very intimidating to some teachers, especially since the students are so comfortable and may know more about technology than the teacher.  In addition to offering my support, I would use team coaching strategies to help those teachers who are resist to using technology.  By pairing a resist teacher with a teacher who uses technology efficiently and effectively, the resistant teacher is provided with a real-life example of how technology makes the job easier and less stressful on the teacher.  Change is evitable, and change is good; however sometimes change is hard.  But with support, coaching and professional development, teachers may not be as resistant to technology in the future.

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