Saturday, September 29, 2012

#12: How would you approach resistance by teachers to use of technology in the classroom?

There is always going to be resistance from teachers in a school.  And that is especially true in the use and implementation of technology.  Many times I have heard teachers, even myself, complain and resist new strategies and technological programs.  To address the resistance, as an administrator I would engage teachers in an one-on-one conversation about the benefits of technology, all the while offering any assistance even professional development to help teachers feel more comfortable about using technology.  Technology can be very intimidating to some teachers, especially since the students are so comfortable and may know more about technology than the teacher.  In addition to offering my support, I would use team coaching strategies to help those teachers who are resist to using technology.  By pairing a resist teacher with a teacher who uses technology efficiently and effectively, the resistant teacher is provided with a real-life example of how technology makes the job easier and less stressful on the teacher.  Change is evitable, and change is good; however sometimes change is hard.  But with support, coaching and professional development, teachers may not be as resistant to technology in the future.

#11: Volleyball

I have two children, Jake a junior at Huntsville High School, and Hannah an 8th grader at Huntsville Middle School.  After 5 weeks of having a laptop and using the digital curriculum, they both would much rather have a textbook instead of the digital textbook.  They do like using Edmodo to communicate with their teachers and they like using technology in their classes, however, they would still prefer to have a physical textbook.  Technology can be a very useful tool, however, at times, it can be "too much" if it is not implemented and integrated in an effective and efficient manner.  Their teachers have done a fantastic job of incorporating technology in their instruction all the while not being 100% dependent upon technology.  "Teaching" cannot be done by a computer and/or computer program alone, it takes a dedicated, caring teacher to use all the tools necessary to prepare our children for their future. 

#10: What principles should guide your approach for integrating technology into instruction (as an administrator)

As an administrator, if I expect my teachers to integrate technology into instruction, then I should model and implement technology as well.  By using technology with teachers, an administrator provides teachers, new and old, with a live example of how to effectively and efficiently use technology as a form of communication, in addition to a learning tool.  As an administrator, I use technology to communicate with teachers via email and/or Edmodo, to gather and sort data such as STAR Math and STAR Reading scores, and to progress monitor struggling students.  As a matter of fact on Monday, I will be training teachers on how to use the STAR Math and STAR Reading results to progress monitor students, and how to use the program to determine areas of weakness that can guide their instruction.  Being the RtI coordinator, I work with STAR results daily by identifying the Tier II and Tier III students who need more intervention strategies and instruction.  As an administrator, the STAR program is vital to my evaluation, but also for the teachers.  Every teacher will be evaluated by the STAR results, so by ensuring they are properly trained on how to use the results to guide instruction, teachers can integrate the technology into their instruction.

#9: Student Choice

We are about 5 weeks into the school year, and it's been quite an eye-opening experience for me.  With the digital 1-to-1 initiative being implemented, the transition has gotten smoother, but there are still issues that are stressful to teachers and students.  Something that surprised me about students with laptops is their lack of knowledge on how to operate a computer, for example:  shutting it down correctly, using Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and other basic skills.  Students can find a way to get past the firewall, however, they do not know how to shut down a computer correctly. 
Our teachers have done a really good job of teaching our students basic computer skills so that their laptops will work efficiently with the digital curriculum.  When using technology in the classroom, teachers must implement strategies and procedures such that the students are not playing games, but rather are on task.  Such strategies include:  closing the laptop while teaching, leaving the screen at a 45 degree angle while teaching, or using Splashtop so that the teacher can roam the room while teaching.  Technology is a powerful tool, however, it must be used effectively and efficiently.

Post #8: How can technology affect the learning process?

Technology can be such a powerful tool that can have a profound affect on the learning process.  However, the use of technology in the classroom must be used with fidelity.  First and foremost, teachers need to teach students how to use technology in the correct manner.  Our students are indeed digital natives, and are comfortable using technology.  However, in the classroom, they need to understand and realize the importance technology can have on their education. 
Using technology is a great way to communicate daily with students.  My son, who is a junior in high school, and my daughter, who is an 8th grader, are both learning how to use Edmodo to communicate with their teachers, turn in assignments, and keep up-to-date with what is happening in each of their classes.  All of their teachers are preparing them for college just not academically, but teaching them how to use technology to communicate.
There are so many different ways in which technology can affect the learning process.  Technology is constantly evolving, and educators must keep current with the trends so that they can apply and use technology with their students.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Blog post #7: Tomorrow's class

I am looking forward to our class tomorrow night.  I was late to our last class, and I have missed my fellow cohort members.  I love technology, and always look forward to learning something new that I can implement and/or help another teacher use in their classroom.  Technology is constantly changing, and we have to be able to adjust and adapt as the technology changes.
With the beginning of a new school year at a new position, I have learned to use Prezi, thanks to a fellow cohort member who presented a Prezi during the summer.  Thanks Deanna, I am hooked on Prezi!!  I have also learned how to use Edmodo, and completed a survey using SurveyMonkey, which was so easy to create and read results.
I look forward to learning something new tomorrow night, and can't wait to see my fellow cohort members.

Blog Post #6: How can technology innovations be sustained in schools?

The best way to sustain technology innovations in education is through repetitive use of the technology.  With our "digital native" students, we must incorporate technology as well as adapting to the new innovations that occurring at an exponential rate.  Technology can be a useful tool in the classroom in many ways.  Whether it's communicating with students (and parents) via email, using edmodo, moodle or other core related websites; teachers can use technology in various ways to strategically teach all students of varying ability levels.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Things I've learned so far....

After being in school for three weeks, I have learned more than I could possibly imagine about being an administrator.  First and foremost, an administrator must have effective communication and listening skills.  If the communication is not detailed and explicit, teachers will be confused as to their duties and responsibilities.
At Westlawn, we have many first year teachers and at least 9 of them are Teach For America teachers.  Although they are young and fresh out of college, they are extremely intelligent, tech savvy, eager and creative in their teaching.  It's extremely important that communication from the administrator is explicit and detailed because they are new to education.  I am excited to have the opportunities to watch these young teachers in their classrooms.  

Best practices of technology used in the teaching area.

Although I am no longer in the classroom, I am surrounded by teachers who are very tech savy.  Just this past week, I have downloaded a couple of apps for my iPad. 
An app that I would definitely use in the classroom is the SplashTop app which allows a teacher to control their laptop computer using their iPad.  This app is provides teacher with mobility around the classroom while engaging the students in the lesson.
Another useful app for teachers is TeacherKit.  It is a personal organizer for teachers and enables them to organize classes and students.  It's interactive and gives teachers the ability to track the attendance, grades and behavior of students.

TOSA job description

My new position as a TOSA, teacher on special assignment, is a job that I am really enjoying so far this year.  I'm considered the second assistant principal, and I am learning more and more each day about the responsibilities of an assistant principal.  I am very fortunate to work for a great principal and assistant principal.  They have both so very helpful, and are very knowledgeable about their jobs. 
My responsibilities include being the RtI coordinator, collaborating with the social worker on students with excessive absences, working on the CIP, being a mentor for a first year teacher and assisting with discipline when needed.  I look forward to school each day, and I am still adjusting to having an office, instead of a classroom of students.

Why do I want to be an administrator?

After the past couple of weeks, I have learned that being an administrator is about management.  I am not completely sure that I want to be a principal.  I think that it will depend on the situation and the school.  However, I would like to work in the central office in the curriculum or pupil services areas.  I am thoroughly enjoying my new job, because I am receiving a hands-on experience of the day-to-day duties of an assistant principal.
EDUC 597:  First Blog Post

This is my first official post in my blog.  I have to admit, I've never used a blog; I have only read a couple.  Looking forward to reading my fellow cohort members updated blogs.